Feb 20Liked by Peter Blasevick

You had me at fog...naturally. Oof - this is GREAT.

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I was of course thinking of you while writing this one!

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Dig the foggy swing, definitely captures something and goes well with a foggy headed Tuesday morning. Time to up the caffeine.

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More caffeine!

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I immediately thought of Carpenter's "The Fog" after reading the heading. I do remember it being an HBO staple back when I was a young teen. Though I don't remember much about the film. You could say I have a foggy memory about it. Though I can say that about most of my young life...great tune!

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The puns are a-flyin’

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Feb 21Liked by Peter Blasevick

I like a creepy fog. It makes me think of The Ripper’s London (a tie-back to one of your earlier works!)

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Oooh, a call back.

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Feb 20Liked by Peter Blasevick

The “spooky wordless voice” added a sort of “Twin Peaks” vibe. Damn fine coffee (and post)……

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Twin Peaks is a big influence on everything!

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Wicked cool! I especially dig the lo-fi and detuning effects capped by vocal sounds that wouldn’t be out of place for The Art of Noise.

Funny, the first time I saw that painting was on the cover of an edition of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” and I thought it was a portrait of the author, since he has been. .described as being rather frail anyway.

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Great, you thought it was Nietzsche. I thought it was Chopin. Heh!

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Love the disjointed slightly off-kilter feel of this track. To my ear, it sounds like the soundtrack to wandering through an antique store. Not an upscale one- the ones that are are overstuffed with back issues of Life magazines, and banged up Tonka trucks.

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Feb 21Liked by Peter Blasevick

I love Caspar David Friedrich's paintings. Just discovered him not too long ago. The crunchy lofi is great for foggy times.

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Some really beautiful stuff!!

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Oooh, love that visual. Especially the Tonka trucks.

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