I feel like you should have named this "Crack is Back." Especially in light of the pot being legal in so many states. I would have become way less of a teenage stoner if it was legal in the '80s. Also love the "field recording" bed in the open. I actually was wearing headphones this time when I first listened and dug that, along with the rest of the cool track.

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Thanx Steve!

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"Just Say ..." Crack is Wack! Another blazingly great one Blasevick!

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You nailed this one, Peter. I love the energy in your lines and the music lights it all up just right. Angus Young would approve! (One of my hubby & my first dates was an AC/DC concert on the HTH tour👹🎸)

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Yea the field recording is a great touch. Ties it together nicely.

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Nice to see Haring being remembered. I once went to see an exhibition of his work at Tate Liverpool and it was very memorable. I enjoyed this very much - thank you.

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Glad you liked it. Would loved to have seen that!

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